Watch Kurulus Osman Episode 85 (85 Bolum) with English Subtitles Free of Cost

Kurulus Osman Episode 85

Watch Kurulus Osman Episode 85 (85 Bolum) with English & Urdu Subtitles Free of Cost

Kurulus Osman Episode 85 Review

As Osman followed Geyhatu, the Vizier attacked everyone in the forest with his soldiers. Nikola realized he was going to lose the war and fled with his soldiers. Osman said he had to kill Geyhatu and tried to catch him by following the trail of blood. The vizier captured Osman’s soldiers and said they were traitors. Bala went into labour earlier than expected. Selcan and Malhun were very concerned about this situation. A short time later, the vizier came to the tribe and said he would arrest the women who had helped Osman.

Malhun tried to stop the Vizier but was unsuccessful. The vizier ordered that the women be brought to Sogut. After talking to Nikola, Gunduz and Kosses started looking for Osman. While Aygul was looking for Gunduz, he saw Mari and told her what had happened in the tribe. Osman continued to follow the traps set by the Mongol soldiers. Mari rescued the women with Byzantine soldiers and took them to a nearby cave.

Bala’s labour began again and Selcan said the baby was about to be born. After a long delivery, Selcan saved the baby. Geyhatu went to a cave and cauterized his wound. Cerkutay’s wound got worse and worse. The vizier refused Nikola’s offer of alliance and said he was now the most powerful person in the region. Geyhatu recalled Temujin’s childhood and how he became Genghis Khan.

That night, Osman dreamed of Bala and his newborn son. While Osman was fighting Geyhatu, Gunduz came and told him everything the vizier had done. Osman immediately took action to save his wife and killed the vizier’s soldiers. Osman picked up his newborn son and said his name was Aladdin Ali. Osman then returned to the tribe and the festivities began. The vizier began preparing all his armies to launch a massive attack.



Kurulus Osman Episode 85 Release Date in Different Countries

06:00 PM Wednesday

9 March 2022

London,  UK


01:00 PM Wednesday

9 March 2022

New York, USA


10:00 PM Wednesday

9 March 2022

Lahore, Pakistan


Kurulus Osman Episode 85 English Subtitles 

If you are searching for watching kurulus Osman Episode 85 with English Subtitles and Urdu Subtitles and free of cost, then you don’t worry as we brought here the solution.

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Kurulus Osman Episode 85 in Ultra HD 1080 Resolution


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