Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddi Eyyubi Episode 13 English & Urdu Subtitles

Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 13

Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 13 Review

Episode # 13 of the Salahuddin Ayoubi series begins with Salahuddin and Commandant Gregor. In the beginning, we see that Saladin Gregor is caught in the trap and they knock him unconscious. The head of the slabs that is the Jew keeps AbRam Salahuddin alive instead of killing him and says I will get many secrets from him in a state of unconsciousness he is tied up but when Salahuddin regains consciousness he first asks about his brothers and says right now you guys have a chance kill me otherwise when I escaped from here I will destroy you and your chief and all his army after that.
We see the Jewish AbRam who immediately walks towards Saladin after hearing the news of Saladin’s consciousness, but before he gets to his life, Saladin’s spy and Gregor’s special girl, Sofia, reach Saladin in his life and redeem him and lead him to Zandan’s back door, but Saladin prefers to stop there and save his brothers instead of escaping. There he is confronted by Karategin, who comes from Princess Victoria to avenge the disrespect of his sister. So at the same time, the Crusader soldier and Gregor get there grab Salahuddin again, and tie him up with the other three of his comrades.
Then we see Sultan Nur-ud-Din with his brother in AskAlan, where Sultan Nur-ud-Din is told by his brother that after you, I and my son are the heirs and the head of the Empire, which Sultan Nur-ud-Din is surprised and there he receives the news that Salahuddin was captured by the crusaders, so immediately he leaves to bring Salahuddin Back, that on the way Gregor stops Sultan Nur-ud-Din with his soldiers and there is a fight between them. Sultan Nooruddin controls them but at the same time there is Princess Victoria and they threaten Sultan Nooruddin to kill Salahuddin and say that Salahuddin has been taken away from here anyway, where no one can reach him. But we will leave Salahuddin and only if you eliminate his planted tribe from there.
Then we are shown an interesting Sen that Jehodi AbRam has become suspicious of Sofia and he also tells Gregor to be careful of Sofia. The viewer then Sofia starts flying the pigeon by writing some message through a pigeon in Gaza Gregor shoots the pigeon and asks Sophia what it says so she says I was calling some soldiers here and when he reads he sees that Sophia is telling the truth and he starts to smile. That is, Sophia manages to escape despite being suspicious.
Again, we see Salahuddin with his companions in the forest, where the Slabic soldiers take them to the Jewish AbRam, who says to Salahuddin, “You will give me what I want, which will give me light, and in return, I will give you freedom.”
And Gregor gets there too and tells Salahuddin about his tribe how he has surrounded their tribe and threatens to kill them but Salahuddin kicks him in anger and there is heat between them Salahuddin tells him I will destroy you all if you dare, resist me.
Viewers on the other hand, see that taking advantage of Salahuddin’s absence, not only Christians, but also Sultan Nooruddin’s brother want to take over Salahuddin’s tribe and he goes to the tribe to do so, but Salahuddin’s father, Amir Ayub Sahib, protecting the tribe, does not bow to anyone and keeps his footsteps. We are also shown that Sultan Nooruddin’s brother goes to Princess Victoria and invites her to ally with him too.
On the other hand, Sultan Nooruddin is very upset because of his brother who is sitting in the Empire. The woman also comes to Sultan Nur-ud-Din to talk about her brother and Sultan Nur-ud-Din offers marriage to the great lady to get rid of all the difficulties and her brother to teach lessons to all the opposites. The Queen of Sultan Nooruddin does not like her at all and she says that I will never let this happen.

Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 13 Release Date in Different Countries

05:00 PM Thursday 01:00 AM Thursday 05:00 AM Thursday
23 November 2023 23 November 2023 23 November 2023
London,  UK New York, USA Lahore, Pakistan
(GMT+1) (GMT-4) (GMT+5)

Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 13 English Subtitles 

If you are searching to watch Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 13 with English Subtitles free of cost, then don’t worry as we brought the solution here.

Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 13 Urdu Subtitles

If you are searching for watching Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 13 with Urdu Subtitles free of cost, then you don’t worry as we brought the solution here

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