Watch Alp Arslan Episode 51 (51 Bolum) with English Subtitles Free of Cost

Alp Arslan Episode 51

Watch Alp Arslan Episode 51 (51 Bolum) with English & Urdu Subtitles Free of Cost

Alp Arslan Episode 51 Review

Kutalmis arrived at the battlefield where Alparslan had just killed Tulpar. Alparslan then engaged in a conversation with Kutalmis, asking him to surrender after his defeat. However, Kutalmis refused, stating that he would not stop until he had claimed the throne. Meanwhile, Leon eagerly anticipated the start of the war, while Qavurta repeatedly escaped from the dungeon with Kutalmis’s sons, but Suleiman’s soldiers pursued them relentlessly. When a soldier informed Leon that Seljuk soldiers were pursuing captives in the forest, and Qavurt’s name was mentioned, Leon sprang into action and captured these significant prisoners, sparking a long-lasting war.

During the conflict, Alparslan once again demanded that Kutalmis surrender, but the latter, severely injured, fled towards the forest with Alparslan in pursuit. In the meantime, a soldier reported that Suleiman was attempting to apprehend Qavurt, Mansur, and Suleiman Shah. Upon hearing this, Kutalmis implored Alparslan to save his sons before passing away shortly after. Determined to keep his promise to Kutalmis, Alparslan swiftly journeyed to the forest where he believed Qavurt and his sons were being pursued. Meanwhile, Leon visited the palace and proposed a strategy to capture Alparslan using the captives.

Suleiman quickly agreed and set a fire in the forest as a signal. Spotting the smoke, Alparslan dispatched a message via pigeon to check on Qavurt’s safety. However, the vizier acted covertly and revealed to Alparslan the treacherous scheme plotted by Suleiman. To rescue Qavurt, Seferiye ventured near the inn but was intercepted by Leon on her way back. Realizing that Alparslan would not arrive in time to help, Alparslan devised a plan to save both his wife and other Turkish captives.

He and his soldiers disguised themselves as prisoners and infiltrated the area. Meanwhile, Suleiman began killing those who opposed him in the city. Despite the danger, Alparslan managed to enter Surmari and successfully escape with the prisoners in the dungeon. Along the way, the Vizier met with Alparslan and declared him as the new Sultan, as per Tughrul’s will. Alparslan then arrived at the palace and announced his ascension to the throne.



Alp Arslan Episode 51 Release Date in Different Countries

05:00 PM Monday 01:00 AM Monday 05:00 AM Monday 
 10 April 2023 10 April 2023 10 April 2023
London,  UK New York, USA Lahore, Pakistan
(GMT+1) (GMT-4) (GMT+5)

Alp Arslan Episode 51 English Subtitles 

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Destan Episode 51 Urdu Subtitles

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Alp Arslan Episode 51 in Ultra HD 1080 Resolution


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