Watch Hay Sultan Abdulkadir Geylani Episode 8 English Subtitles Synopsis

Hay Sultan Abdulkadir Geylani Episode 10

Watch Hay Sultan Abdulkadir Geylani Episode 8 English Subtitles Synopsis

Hay Sultan Abdulkadir Geylani Episode 8 Review

In the 8th episode of “Hay Sultan Abdulqadir Geylani” titled “The Wisdom of Guidance,” we learn about the life and teachings of Sultan Abdulqadir Geylani, a well-known Islamic scholar and mystic. The episode explores important events and teachings that shaped Sultan Geylani’s spiritual journey and had a lasting impact on his followers. The story takes place in the busy streets of 11th-century Baghdad, where Sultan Geylani lived. We are introduced to his early years, growing up in a family that valued knowledge and devotion. Even as a young person, Sultan Geylani showed a strong desire to learn and understand spiritual matters, and he became renowned for his scholarship.

A significant moment in Sultan Geylani’s life was his encounter with Sheikh Hammad, his spiritual mentor. This meeting became a turning point as Sheikh Hammad recognized Sultan Geylani’s potential and shared deep spiritual wisdom with him. The teachings of Sheikh Hammad became the foundation for Sultan Geylani’s spiritual journey. Sultan Geylani also became a teacher and guide, establishing an Islamic school in Baghdad. People from far and wide came to learn from him and seek his spiritual guidance. The episode portrays him as a caring and wise mentor who provided valuable teachings on righteousness and spiritual growth to his students.

A central theme in Sultan Geylani’s teachings is the importance of sincere devotion, humility, and serving humanity. He emphasized selflessness, compassion, and the pursuit of knowledge as ways to draw closer to God. Through stories and teachings, viewers experience Sultan Geylani’s wisdom on faith, gratitude, patience, and remembering God. His teachings deeply touched the hearts of his students and resonate with the audience. The episode also highlights the challenges Sultan Geylani faced from critics who questioned his authority and teachings. However, he remained steadfast in his principles and responded to these challenges with grace, wisdom, and humility.

The story explores Sultan Geylani’s mystical experiences and his strong connection to the spiritual realm. It shows his state of spiritual awakening and the profound insights he gained through devotion and spiritual practices. Moreover, the episode emphasizes the significant impact Sultan Geylani had on his followers. It showcases how his teachings transformed the lives of people from different backgrounds, offering them comfort, guidance, and spiritual growth. As the episode nears its end, it reflects on Sultan Geylani’s enduring legacy and continued influence on future generations. The establishment of the Qadiriyya Sufi order, which was inspired by his teachings, is highlighted, illustrating its ongoing impact on spiritual seekers worldwide.

In the final moments, the camera shows Sultan Geylani’s tomb, a revered place of pilgrimage and devotion. The episode concludes with a reflection on the timeless wisdom and guidance of Sultan Abdulqadir Geylani, inspiring viewers to seek knowledge, nurture their spirituality, and lead lives of compassion and service to humanity. Overall, “The Wisdom of Guidance” provides a captivating glimpse into the life and teachings of Sultan Abdulqadir Geylani. It illustrates his profound influence on Islamic spirituality, and his legacy as a revered scholar and spiritual guide continues to inspire individuals on their own spiritual paths.


Hay Sultan Abdulkadir Geylani Episode 8 Release Date in Different Countries

05:00 PM Sunday 01:00 AM Sunday 05:00 AM Sunday
 25 June 2023 25 June 2023 25 June 2023
London,  UK New York, USA Lahore, Pakistan
(GMT+1) (GMT-4) (GMT+5)

Hay Sultan Abdulkadir Geylani Episode 8 English Subtitles 

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Hay Sultan Abdulkadir Geylani Episode 8 Urdu Subtitles

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Hay Sultan Abdulkadir Geylani Episode 8 in Ultra HD 1080 Resolution



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