Young Ibn e Sina Episode 1 English and Urdu Subtitles

Ibn e Sina

Young Ibn e Sina Episode 1 English and Urdu Subtitles

Young Ibn e Sina Episode 1 Review

A young boy named Ibn e Sina begins to explore the bustling city of Bukhara, which is situated along the old Silk Road. In the year 980 CE, the Islamic Golden Age, which promoted the development of knowledge and fascination, was in full swing. This chapter examines Ibn Sina’s early life before he became one of history’s biggest multidisciplinary and became known as Avicenna in the Latin-speaking world. The initial scene of the episode is a panoramic picture of Bukhara, showcasing its flourishing financial markets, enormous mosques, and congested roads. Against this context, the young Ibn Sina emerges as a smart and inquisitive child.

He frequently wanders the markets, taking in anything he can. His lifelong curiosity about the world and his insatiable hunger for knowledge serve as the foundation for his extraordinary trip. Ibn Sina’s father, a distinguished scholar, acknowledges his son’s lack of understanding and grants him access to a vast library of archives and literary works. The infant spends his time in their home, which also serves as a small library, immersing himself in the works of ancient philosophers, medical texts, and scientific treatises.

His hunger for information prompts him to pose difficult questions that spark discussion and showcase his growing brain. In Bukhara, connections between Ibn Sina and other teachers and academics are visible to travelers. Each of his early teachers, a local doctor, recognizes his promise and starts teaching him how to practice medicine. Ibn Sina learns from his instructor about anatomy, therapeutic plants, and the fundamental ideas of treatment and diagnosis. Because of his knowledge of medicine, he develops a new interest and a stronger desire to understand the specifics of the human body and its disorders. Along with his intellectual accomplishments, Ibn Sina struggles with personal issues.

The first episode ends on Ibn Sina’s way to his village, which is a contemplative moment. The filming crew pauses at his steadfast posture as he gazes at the city that has impacted him. As the rising sun drops over the horizon, the city’s minarets catch an appealing reflection as Ibn Sina’s tale opens. He has laid the foundation for his future achievements, and now everyone is interested in watching him grow into among the greatest minds in the world.

Young Ibn e Sina Episode 1 English Subtitles Release Date in Different Countries

05:00 PM Sunday 01:00 AM Sunday 05:00 AM Sunday
 09 July 2023 09 July 2023 09 July 2023
London,  UK New York, USA Lahore, Pakistan
(GMT+1) (GMT-4) (GMT+5)

Young Ibn e Sina Episode 1 English Subtitles 

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Young Ibn e Sina Episode 1 Urdu Subtitles

If you are searching for watching Young Ibn e Sina Episode 1 with Urdu Subtitles free of cost, then you don’t worry as we brought the solution here.

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Young Ibn e Sina Episode 1 in Ultra HD 1080 Resolution



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