Seddulbahir 32 Saat English & Urdu Subtitles


Seddulbahir 32 Saat (Hours) English & Urdu Subtitles

The series is the Historical TV Series which has many popular actors, describes the legendary 32-hour war in Seddulbahir. The sets for this series were formed at five different locations in Canakkale. Many outfits and arms were made to depict the watchers that era. The ditches and ramparts that that will be utilized in the fight scenes were made after an 8-month study. This small series, whose shooting began in 2016, is planned as four episodes and its shooting completed in about four months.

World War I is still going on and the Ottoman state requires new troopers. Sergent Mehmet writes a message and informs his family that he is performing well. Meanwhile, Major Mahmud Sabri prepares his troopers in opposition to the British assault. The British have to face Canakkale to take Istanbul. In Seddulbahir 32 Saat, Ottoman troopers began to guard the Canakkale strait against the British, French, Anzac and foe troopers from many different countries. Hussein addresses to the troopers who reached to his village and decides to get into the war to perceive his father for the last time. Blacksmith Ramiz presents himself and leaves his little son with Hatice. Hassan, the little son of Ramiz, cannot comfortably accept this disconnection.

Hussein, Ramiz and many troopers reach Canakkale. Hussein seeks consent from the commanders to go to his father, but it will not be an easy job to find the Sergent Mehmet for him. The lover of Hussein Zeliha cannot bear it anymore and reaches Canakkale as a nurse. On the 25th of April, the British begin bombarding Seddulbahir from the ships. Turkish troopers stay in their ditches and try to cease the British troopers who landed on the coast. The German Marshal Limon Pasha gets the news that the British are taking steps, but tells that this is a fake assault and that the major assault will come from another coast. Ottoman Pashas tell that they require more troopers to guard Seddulbahir and that this point should be assisted. Marshal Limon Pasha defies the Ottoman Pashas and does not send assistance.

Seddülbahir 32 Saat English Subtitles

  • Although Ottoman troopers were small in number as compared to the British troopers, they continued to guard the homeland. Major Mahmud Sabri is searching for a way to assist his troopers. Liman Pasha forces that these assaults are not real and does not send assistance to Seddulbahir. In Seddulbahir 32 Saat, Cevat Pasha cannot comprehend the decision of Marshal Liman to send help and sends a haste group to Seddulbahir. Major Mahmud Sabri gets the news that the British are steadily proceeding on the coast and sends the last troopers at the front. Nurse Zeliha asks the wounded troopers who come to the first treatment tent where Hussein is and whether he is living. Major Mahmud Sabri decides to counterblow to cease the British proceeding, and Turkish troopers start the attack. Also Read,
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Cevat Pasha comprehends the actual scheme of Marshal Liman and goes to his office to countenance him. Cevat Pasha says that the Germans expanded the war in Canakkale to rescue time in Europe. Liman cannot talk because of the appearance of the scheme. Cevat Pasha tells that they will conquer this war just like March 18 and goes out. During the assault, Hussein falls down on the ground and remains in the deceased troopers.

Zeliha perceives Mehmet at the headquarters and asks him questions regarding Hussein. Mehmet frets more about Hussein and starts searching for him. Halil Sami Pasha reaches to the headquarters and speaks to the Major Mahmud. In Seddulbahir 32 Saat, Halil Pasha congratulates the troopers for their fight. Major Mahmud Sabri suggests another assault to cease the British completely but Halil Pasha reminds him of the awaiting decision by Liman. Halil Pasha cannot withstand it anymore and decides to do something for assistance. Meanwhile, Marshal Liman gets the latest updates about the circumstances in Canakkale. With the great endeavors of Major Mahmud Sabri and Lieutenant Colonel Mustafa Kemal, Marshal Liman has earned the time he desired.

Seddülbahir 32 Saat English Subtitles

Turkish troopers go back to the headquarters after the assault. The friends of Hussein are bothered about him and they try to search him. Mehmet gets the news that his son is going to clash but is not back. This news makes Mehmet very upset. Major Mahmud Sabri arranges a short gathering with the officers and discusses about the latest incidents. Major Mahmud Sabri frames up a new scheme to cease the British proceeding and tells the scheme to officers. In Seddulbahir 32 Saat, Mehmet speaks to Major and tells that he desires to join the haste group to call his son. Major Mahmud Sabri agrees to this proposal. Then Ramiz speaks to Mehmet and reads the letter from the village to him. Hussein conceals among the deceased troopers and slinks up when the British troopers go. Mehmet goes back to the battle ground and starts searching for his son. Meanwhile, Hussein covertly proceeds towards the British and views them. Mehmet and Ramiz cannot get Hussein and consider that he may have been captured by the British.

Major Mahmud Sabri takes many troopers with him and sets forth to assist Mehmet. When Mehmet and Ramiz look for Hussein, the British troopers assault again. The major perceives this assault and tries to support Mehmet. As Turkish troopers try to combat British machine guns, Hussein appears from concealing and neutralizes the British. In Seddulbahir 32 Saat, Mehmet perceives the heroic assault of his son from a far and learns that he is living. The Major and the troopers go back to the main headquarters, but Hussein still has not reached. A small group of troopers reaches to the headquarters for support. Major Mahmud Sabri receives an assault order and acts upon that at around three AM at night. The troopers come out of headquarters to reach the assault positions. Meanwhile, Hussein reaches to the headquarters with a machine gun he caught. Zeliha perceives Hussein and embraces him.

Major Mahmud Sabri and the Turkish troopers ceased the British assault, but afterwards the British ships began bombardment the Turkish ditches. Zeliha is scared that something will occur to Hussein and frets. Hussein perceives martyrs and wounded persons from the front. The British resume to bomb heavily and prepare to assault once again. Major Mahmud Sabri gets updates that new assistances are coming from Anatolia and conceives a new scheme to guard Seddulbahir. Hussein approaches to the Major and tells him for a new assignment. Major sends Hussein to bring a shipping car. The doctor and Zeliha are well prepared to transfer many wounded people. While searching for a horse cart, Hussein comes face to face to Mustafa Kemal and speaks to him.

Mehmet frames up a scheme to assault the British lingered in a village and takes quick actions. Turkish troopers prepare grenades and start waiting for the assault order. The British commander takes steps to fully control the village and assassinate the Turks.  As Mehmet and the troopers are prepared for the assault, the order of evacuate will astonish them. Ramiz and the troopers take a decision together. This decision is not to be evacuated. A remaining group of Turkish troopers tells that they do not desire to retreat and desire to combat the British until they pass away. Hussein goes back to the headquarters and delivers what Mustafa kemal told him. Hussein gets the news that Major will go to assist Seddulbahir and seeks consent to go with him. Meanwhile, Mehmet cannot withstand anymore and goes to talk to the British troopers at the entry gate of the village. Mehmet inquires from the British why they reached here and what they are doing here. Major Mahmud Sabri and Hussein take part in this discussion. Major tells that the British cannot proceed anymore.

Seddulbahir 32 Saat English Subtitles free of cost is below

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Links for Urdu Subtitles will be added later.


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